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Archive for February, 2007

Eat from the Sword

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Last night I was in Houston – in the big state of Texas,

taking a day off before embarking on the Wealth Cruise,

where I’ll be sharing the stage with Todd Dotson, Kendra

Todd, Loral Langmeier and Barbara DeAngelis.

While in Houston, I met a couple members of my MasterMind

for dinner at a Brazilian restaurant – Foco de Chao. And let me

tell you, if you haven’t eaten at one of these places – and there aren’t

many in the U.S. – you want to do so.

What’s so great about this restaurant.

Well, to begin – you have a huge salad bar with enough food

to fill you up in a few minutes. But as soon as you finish your

salad – a man will approach your table with a slab of freshly

grilled meat on a large skewer. With sword in hand he asks if

you’d like some filet, some pork, some chicken, some lamb –

or whatever else he and his co-workers have.

You say “yes” and he slices off a hunk and puts it on your

plate. As you’re eating another man arrives with another

type of meat – they have 15 different varieties – and you

say yea or nay.

The feast continues until you’re ready to explode – or until

you say stop, whichever comes first.

Being I was following the Furey Fat Loss Program to a ‘t’ –

I was able to eat for a long, long time. My gut wasn’t

bloated with useless starches and grains that suck the

water out of your system – so there was room for a


And when the meal was over, I stood outside talking with

great enthusiasm – until my wife drug me into the van,

pleading with me that it was time to go.

Key point is this: No fatigue after eating. No need to fall

asleep to deal with elevated blood sugar levels from

the eating of starch.

One of the people I ate dinner with, William, is 75 years

young and super healthy. He and I spent a good portion

of the evening talking about all the misinformation people

have been fed about what is healthy and what isn’t.

Unlike most 75-year olds, not to mention those in their 20’s,

30’s, and 40’s, William doesn’t have a lick of fat on his gut.

He’s lean, fit and mentally alert. And his wife is, too.

In fact, it was pretty cool that out of the ten people at our

table, not a single one was fat. Now how often does that

happen in ‘merica. [Spell checkers make a note – I dropped

the ‘A’ of of ‘merica on porpoise.]

We’ve been fed a ton of baloney about meat being bad for

you – meanwhile all the grains and starches are paraded before

us as if they’re the 2nd coming.

Am I advocating Atkins or other “low carb” diets.

No, I’m not.

I am, however, advocating you follow an approach that is much

simpler and easier to follow – and I believe much healthier.

When you follow it the excess weight will fly off your body in record


The best news of all is those who are already members of the Matt

Furey Inner Circle have access to this information, and when they

follow it, the results are astounding.

Take 50-year old Algie Roberson, for example. A few weeks ago he

won the $5,000.00 prize for becoming the 2007 Combat Conditioning

Athlete of the Year. He went from 215 pound to 185 – and let me tell

you, he’s a machine.

When asked what he did to drop the excess, his answer was simple.

He followed my exercises – as prescribed in Combat Conditioning

and my diet – as prescribed to members of the Matt Furey Inner


If you’re not a member yet – I’d like you to come with me. I’d like you

to climb aboard our virtual health and fitness ship. I’d like to see you

make 2007 the year where you get into the best shape of your life.

When you’re a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle – you not only

get my best-selling fitness book for nothing – you get my diet along

with it – again, for no cost.

You have two options for enrolling – and you’ll find both of them at

http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html – one is an

annual subscription, the other is monthly.

If you hurry and place your order today, you’ll receive the special

beefy edition of my Maximum Health and Fitness newsletter – where

you’ll read a full report on Algie winning the contest and how he did

it. You’ll also get a copy of Fure-cat’s Fitness Motivation CD – wherein

you’ll get to listen in on Algie as he reveals his secret winning formula

to me.

Let’s have a feast together, okay.

Come fly with me – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Matt Furey

P.S. My fulfillment office said we only have another 119 issues of the

current newsletter left – so if you want to read about Algie’s accomplishments,

you better jump on this NOW. As you read you will be inspired to go where

you’ve never gone before – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

Reduces High-Blood Pressure

Monday, February 19th, 2007

Forget pill popping.

One of the exercises in the Chinese Long-Life System, is said

by people in China to reduce high blood pressure.

Although I don’t have high blood pressure, I’m certain I

never will, especially since I am armed with this extraordinary

‘slapping’ exercise

What I’m talking about is slapping, with your hand in a cuplike

shape, the very muscles that tighten and harden when you

have high-blood pressure.

You’ll feel the rejuvenating effect of this gentle slapping right away.

It’ll relax and de-stress you almost immediately.

To discover more about this, be sure to place your order NOW by

going to http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


Matt Furey

P.S. Also, located on the same website is the Chuang Shang de

Gong fu course – which people have been raving about for the

past year – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com


None of the information in this email is to be taken as medical advise. Always

consult a physician before beginning any exercise or health program.

Am I on Steroids

Monday, February 19th, 2007

Wouldn’t you know it. First I’m a fat slob. Then when I

prove otherwise, I must be on steeeroids.

Ain’t life grand.

At any rate, this is all good news because the updates to

my website are, for the most part, getting rave reviews.

There will be MORE updates forthcoming. So make sure you

keep tabs by going to http://www.mattfurey.com – as well

as all the REAL testimonials on my Combat Conditioning book

and DVD page. I say REAL because everyone on the site has

a photo along with the endorsement. Not only that, most have

websites so you don’t need to go to Google and try to verify

whether or not these people are real.

What’s more – MANY of the testimonials are from best-selling

authors – people who are experts in their fields. Others are

from professional coaches and doctors. Even put up a computer

geek guy. You gotta read his story. Amazing. You can see ALL

by going to http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

Even if you already own my book and DVD’s – I think you should

check out the updates because it will keep you motivated to stay

the course. Especially when you see some of the before-and-after


Oh, one more thing: Many famous authors write about me and or my

training programs in their books. Steve Chandler, author of The Story

of You is one. Another is Barry Eisler – the sensational novelist who

has written the famous John Rain series of books, Rain Fall, Hard Rain,

and so on.

You’ll note how all the testimonials on my site are positioned between

these two authors – sort of like bookends.

Oh, by the way, I ain’t on no steeeroids. And yes, I spelled it rong on


Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. A lot of people are now vying for position on my Combat Conditioning

page as so many, many people have great experiences and stories to tell.

You’re welcome to send testimonials with photos and we’ll put them

in the queue as we figure out a way to use them in the future.

Your Goal for Today

Monday, February 19th, 2007

When most people talk about goals they usually refer to their

one-year, 5-year and 10-year plans.

Nothing wrong with that.

However, in order to have a constant feeling of success coarsing

through your veins, I always advise having ‘daily’ goals to


By daily goals I do not mean your ‘to do’ list. Not at all. I mean

something you can do each day to be creatively alive; something

you can point to and say, ‘Look what I accomplished today. Look

what I achieved. Look what I created.’

It might be a fitness goal. You make your goal of walking 5 miles.

It might be a writing goal. You start and finish that article you’ve

been thinking about.

It might be a painting; or the closing of a sale.

As a college wrestler I realized that when I went to practice with

a specific goal, I ruled the room. The same opponent in practice

whom I would struggle to beat would be mince-meat if I had a

goal to throw him, for example, 20 times. I proved this over

and over.

Your mind loves something to focus on; a target to hit.

And every day that you hit at least one target – that’s a day in

which your confidence soars.

At the beginning of each day, ask yourself, ‘What do I want to

create today. What goal do I want to accomplish today.’

Write down the answer – then get going.

Throw yourself into action and watch how the hours go by.

Why. Because you’re creatively alive. And that’s a good way

to live.


Matt Furey

P.S. To move yourself to the next level of success, be sure to get

Dr. Maltz’ advanced course on Psycho-Cybernetics called Zero

Resistance Living. Go check it out by skating on over to


Am I a Fat Slob?

Sunday, February 18th, 2007

I have to thank my critics for their help with my


A week ago a friend sent me an email where some

people were criticizing me because all the photos

of me on my website were “old.”

“He’s a fat slob,” one person suggested. “The photos

of him on his site were when he lifted weights and

was muscular. Now that he does bodyweight exercises

he’s a slob, has no muscle and no definition.”

i thought to myself, ‘Fure-cat, that’s a great idea. Put

up some new photos. Some very recent photos. Some

photos that prove you are not a slob. It won’t win over

your critics, but it may improve your sales.”

So I pulled out a few photos from December 17, 2006,

taken of me in Hainan Island, China – my vacation home.

And I took my famous waterfall picture off.

Not only that, but I updated my Combat Conditioning book

page – putting up a larger portion of testimonials from the

hundreds of thousands of people I have served. All of these

testimonials include photos as well as credentials. The majority

of them ALSO contain their websites, so you won’t have to Google

them to see if they’re real – or if they are who they say they are.

Every single person is SOLID.

I seriously doubt this many people would put their arse on the line

for me if what I’m saying about my products didn’t hold water.

These testimonials run the gamut from world renowned authors,

famous bodybuilders, an NFL strength coach, wrestlers, martial

artists, football and basketball players, a concert pianist, a dancer,

a Marine, a cop, men in their 60’s, an M.D., a chiropractor – and


Also on the site are three men brave enough to forward their before-and-

after photos.

There are many, many others we’d like to put on the site – but I think

the evidence is overwhelmingly positive and forceful.

So make sure you take a gander at the updates on my homepage at

http://www.mattfurey.com – as well as those on the Combat Conditioning

page at http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

More updates will be coming soon – including me being on the cover of

a couple more magazines.

Stay tuned.

Okay, enough for now. Time to get busy …

Kicking butt and taking names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Almost forgot to say, to those who’ve said I was bigger and more

muscular and more ripped when I lifted weights – well, I guess you

haven’t seen the updated photos, have you. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com

and see what I mean.

This is IT

Saturday, February 17th, 2007

A couple months ago I received a package on something

called “The Pizzazz Factor” – sort of a new twist on the so-

called It Factor.

I was curious about what it was, so I opened the package.

I put on the first DVD and with remote control in hand, was

ready to begin fast forwarding through the program to

quickly get the “gist” of it.

45 minutes later the remote was still in my hand – but I

wasn’t using it to fast forward. I was using it to rewind and

see things again.

The lady teaching the course is the fabulous Vanessa Bader.

She’s spent her life dancing and performing – and she knows

the IT Factor so well that she can show virtually anyone,

regardless of age, sex or profession – how to go BEYOND IT.

That’s right. There’s something BETTER than IT.

Vanessa calls it PIZZAZZ.

And she promises to teach the average person how to radiate

the confidence and charisma of movie stars and other famous

celebrities that you can’t stop watching, reading about or thinking


Now, here’s the key – if you’re the one creating the course and teaching

the Pizzazz Factor; if you’re the one telling people they can have

it, too – then by goodness you MUST have it yourself.

Well … let me ask you this: If I was unable to use my remote to fast

forward, if I felt compelled to not only keep watching, but to rewind –

then there is more than a little something worth watching.

I’m a busy man. That’s why I fast forward and speed read through most of

what comes across my desk. I’ve trained myself to be able to gather infor-

mation quickly so I can get more done in less time.

Yet I could not fast forward through this program. Not only that, I could

not resist the urge to check out the second DVD, and the third. I couldn’t

resist reading what she had in the binder.

It was the same as if I turned on the idiot box and saw Paris H. in “The Simple


Three hours later I’d be watching it, all the while telling whoever will listen, that

this show is lame, stupid and a complete joke. But I’d still be watching.

Unlike The Simple Life, however – this program is ALL substance. There is no

filler, no fluff.

That’s why, both men and women love this program.

The exercises for your waistline are worth the fee for it alone.

But there’s a whole lot more.

Vanessa is an absolute pleasure to watch – and to listen to.

She’s from South Africa originally – and her accent is awesome.

English isn’t even her native language. Yet she communicates as

if she knows it better than anyone on the planet. She puts the

Pizzazz Factor into everything she says and does.

A couple weeks ago she spoke at my “Secret of Secrets” Fitness

seminar. It was the very first time she had ever spoken in public.

You wouldn’t have known it. You’d think she’d done it her whole


The crowd went nuts when she demonstrated the Pizzazz Factor

walk, the facial expressions, the gestures – and most of all, when

she took off the long coat and revealed how she exercises.

Men, women, children – dogs, cats, gators – Uncle Bob, Grandma

and Grandpa – you’ve got to get the Pizzazz Factor.

Just watching it will give you full value. It will change forever how

you carry yourself in public – and along with it, the way others

see you, relate to you. It will change your personal and professional

life for the better.

Get the program NOW at http://www.mattfurey.com/pizzazz.html


Matt Furey

Florida Man Drops 138 lbs – Increases Strength

Friday, February 16th, 2007

Once you’ve gotten into the swing of doing

Hindu Squats, Hindu Pushups and bridging –

you’ll probably feel the urge to ‘go to the

next level.’

Or you might be wondering ‘what else is

out there.’ Is there an advanced program

on Combat Conditioning.

Well, matter of fact, there is and it’s

called Gama Fitness.

Gama Fitness is a program that I put

together a couple years back with my

good friend Ed Baran and it totally kicks


In this program you learn how to focus

your mind on a goal and make it happen.

You also learn how to set all the negative

to the side so you can concentrate on

‘what you want’ – not what you don’t


Not only that, but in the Gama Fitness

course we teach 15 variations of the Hindu

pushup alone; several variations of Hindu

squats; more on bridging; and an entire

lesson on pullups and chin-ups – something

not addressed in Combat Conditioning.

But we don’t stop there. In fact, we also

go into strengthening of shoulders with

chest expander cables; the secret power

of isometrics and how they tap your strength

from the INSIDE out.

There’s much more I could tell you about

Gama Fitness – but rather than listening to

me rave, why not hear what one proud owner

of this course has to say:


Your Gama Fitness Course has given me a step

by step guideline for achieving my goals. Last

Christmas I weighed 377 lbs., as of August 12th

my body weight is down to 239 lbs. and I lost over

20′ on my waist!! My body fat is down to 18 %.

Imagine how good I felt when I could walk into a

department store and buy a large shirt instead of a

5x shirt, 36′ jeans instead of 58’ jeans. Not only

have I lost wait on your plan, but I also improved

on my conditioning. I perform 500 Hindu Squats

without stopping after a spinning class 3x a week!

My Dead Lift has also gone up from 375 lbs. to 495

lbs. for 3 reps.!!! Your accolades as a wrestling and

fitness guru will go unprecedented!!! I can’t thank you


Robert Lucarelli


I realize you might be inclined to ask for proof that Mr.

Lucarelli went from HUGE to supremely fit with the Gama

Fitness course.

Well, your wish is my command. Want to see proof? Then

go to http://www.gama-fitness right now and see Robert’s

before and after photos.

Better yet – while you’re there – don’t just look at the photos,

make a decision to do what Robert has done. Make a decision

to change your life for the better.

Gama Fitness will show you the way.


Matt Furey

P.S.: By the way, in case you didn’t click the link a couple

seconds ago – let me tell you that you’re making a mistake

if you don’t investigate this. Go to http://www.gama-fitness.com

right now and see for yourself.

How to Put Power Into Your Vision

Friday, February 16th, 2007

You’ve probably heard the phrase, ‘Get in touch

with your feelings.’ Well, as common as this phrase

is, it’s the wrong idea.

Simply getting in touch with your feelings is barely

the beginning of being ‘conscious.’ What’s more, if

all you do is get in touch with your feelings, you’ve

done next to nothing to move forward, grow and

become more than you currently are – and becoming

MORE is what everyone truly wants.

And so, it is NOT the noticing of one’s feelings that

is helpful, it is knowing that you can notice a feeling,

then expand it, shrink it or simply transmute it into

something much more powerful.

This becomes absolutely crystal clear when doing the Theatre

of the Mind exercise. Once you locate the good feeling from a

previous success experience, you amplify it. You make it stronger,

more powerful and more intense … and this puts you on course to

achieve one success after another. The more you think about

and explore what you do when you succeed, the more you

will understand, feel and move toward success. Like attracts


For more instruction on how to do this – get Dr. Maxwell Maltz’

advanced course in Creative Psycho-Cybernetics – Zero Resistance

Living. Learning how to tap into the success system already in your

mind will be the greatest skill you will ever learn.

Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html and order NOW.


Matt Furey

P.S. Below is a perfect business example of someone who learned to

amplify his desire for greater success, happiness and well-being:

Is Slow Walking Good for You

Friday, February 16th, 2007

It used to drive me nuts. It would be evening. We’d just

finished a delcious meal at one of my favorite restaurants

in China – and then ….

We’d go for a walk.

But it was no ordinary walk, my friend.


We’re talking, so slow that you’d think there was absolutely

no benefit. I’d turn to my wife, ‘Come on, hurry up. Let’s go.

Move it, move it, move it.’

She’d just look at me and laugh.

It was like watching tai chi paint dry – it was agonizing.

But it was precisely what I needed.

Relaxation is key; it is a fundamental skill that you must learn

to enjoy superb health. The person who cannot relax is a

disaster waiting to happen.

Tis the yin and the yang of things. There is a time to sprint

and a time to rest.

Consider the cat – any cat will do.

A tiger sleeps or rests almost the entire day. As much as 21

hours or more. But man, when that tiger decides it’s time to

go hunting, you don’t want to be in his way.

Human beings don’t need 21 hours of rest per day – unless they

are sick. But we do need to take time each day to relax and unwind –

and this is NOT sleep time.

It’s relaxed walking. It’s relaxed meditation. It’s relaxed eating,

drinking and speaking.

It’s keeping your mind and body relaxed, centered and focused

no matter what you’re doing.

People I coach are continually amazed at how much I get done

even though they never see me hurried, worried or stressed.

Yes, I have moments that are full-boar – but they are nothing like

they used to be – when I honestly thought that was the ONLY way

to do anything.

Remember the saying, ‘Don’t worry – be happy.’

Well, today I’d like to leave you with, ‘Don’t hurry – be happy.’


Matt Furey

P.S. In the Chinese Long-Life System you’ll discover that it isn’t

just super vigorous exercise that strengthens your system. It’s also

the internal exercises. You’ve got to strengthen your internal organs

with exercise and proper pressure point massage, because if you

don’t, you’ll find out someday that it matters not how strong your

muscles are. If your organs begin to fail – and I’m talking ONE organ –

not ALL – you will be pretty much helpless. And that’s the truth. So order

the Chinese Long-Life System today and put yourself on the fast track to

lifelong health – http://www.chineseculturesecrets.com/long_life.html


None of the information in this email is to be taken as medical advise. Always

consult a physician before beginning any exercise or health program.

You Don’t Just Do It

Friday, February 16th, 2007

There are two types of fitness people:

1. Those who think the purpose of physical exercise is purely


2. Those who think the purpose of exercise encompasses the

total person – his mind, his muscles and his connection to a

Power greater than oneself.

I have never thought highly of those who think exercise is only

for the muscles, joints and organs; the type of person who grunts

and groans through a workout with no sense of calmness or


Exercise is far more than physical. It’s an opportunity to think

about your life and the direction you are heading. It’s an opportunity

to focus on your breath and the reality that if this one stream is

cut off, your physical body no longer serves a purpose.

Exercise is a metaphor for change, psychological as well as physical.

You change who you are on the inside first; you change the way you

see yourself – and these changes set up a new you on the outside.

If you go through a series of exercises with a wandering mind, even

though you’re moving your body, you won’t see much progress. The

gyms are filled with examples of this.

On the other hand, if you view exercise as a time to pay attention to

your body and the thoughts you are thinking while you train – if you

take the time to run mental movies of how you want to look and feel

as you train – then you will come to realize the awesome power of

doing something consciously.

We often hear the slogan, “Just do it.” Yet, those who make a decision

to just do it are not “JUST” doing it.

In order to just do it – you must make a shift in your attitude. You must

say to yourself, “Stop all the idiot self-talk. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop

worrying about what the others think. Picture what it is that YOU want and

then DO IT.”

Then, once you’ve begun to “just do it” – you keep the thought “just do it”

in mind. You picture yourself moving forward. You see yourself plowing

through or rising above all obstacles. You don’t allow yourself to think a

single wimpy “no can do” thought. You only think “can do” thoughts.

So “just do it” is not just doing it. It is making up your mind – setting up a

powerful intention, forming a powerful mental image in your mind – taking

a deep breath to absorb MORE life – then getting off your rumpus and


Those who do Combat Conditioninghttp://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

know they are getting a TOTAL workout in more ways than one. The program

doesn’t just get you fit, help reduce excess weight, increase strength, stamina

and flexibility. It also changes your personality. It makes you a more positive

person; someone who looks for the good in himself and others; someone who

extends his mind beyond the norm to pull in the power of the Universe.

Someone who makes a conscious decision to …

Kick butt and Take Names,

Matt Furey

author of the Int’l best-seller Combat Conditioning, and several other

powerhouse programs – http://www.mattfurey.com/products.html

P.S. Below is an example of somene who launched a serious complaint

about my products:

Dear Matt,

I have a SERIOUS COMPLAINT about your products – they make me LOSE things.

Let me give you an example:

I’ve lost 4lbs in 1 MONTH & inches off my waist, which means I now have to

buy smaller clothes.

They also make me GAIN things, like muscle & flexibility. (& increased


I recently took up yoga & found a big similarity between some of the

excercises in CC & yoga positions. PLUS I was flexible enough to execute

some of the moves the FIRST TIME round, thanks to CC.

Using CC & yoga, plus a bit of pilates has helped me be in the best shape

I’ve ever been in.

If anyone has an actual complaint about your products, maybe they are too

dumb to do them.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

God Bless,



The one thing Rachel hit upon is not just strength and flexibility and lost inches,

but the confidence that goes with them. Once again, psychological well-being

is part of what you get with the exercises I teach. Make sure you jump on

board NOW – http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html

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Copyright © 2011 Gold Medal Publications, Inc. and Matthew Furey