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Archive for June, 2007

Special Audio Message from China

Wednesday, June 6th, 2007

Matthew Furey

Matthew Furey Audio Blog-1 (click twice on play to listen)

Rise Up!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. Don’t forget about the FREE set of exercise cards I’m giving away this month. Less than 175 decks are left – so JUMP in now while there’s still time.

Chinese Have No Freedom – True or False

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007

Yesterday I received an email from a man who told me to make sure to put the word

‘China’ or ‘Chinese’ in the subject line of emails that talk about China – so he can

delete them before opening.

Here’s what he wrote:

Hey, Matt!

While you were exercising at the famous square, did you observe any tanks squishing any Chinese citizens — who would have liked to have the freedom to travel as you do?

Recommendation: Stop including China, which is STILL being herded by obnoxious, hideous, commie thugs, in your iteneraries. Alternatively, if you plan to use China as a setting, please include some reference to China in the subject-lines of your e-mail messages so that I may delete the e-mail before opening. You know, you could try using Taiwan for future promotionals — at least until the mainland thugs take over that FREE nation.


My response: D.W., I thank you for your email. I read it to my brother and sister-in-law, who live in China. They enjoyed it very much. My brother-in-law did point out that there were many Chinese people gathered around in Tiananmen Square watching us train. I said: “In America we have a saying, ‘Don’t bother me with facts because my mind is already made up.'”

By the way, and I realize you don’t really care, but said bro-in-law and sis-in-law picked us up in Shanghai, flew with us to Ningxia, are with us in Beijing and will go with us wherever else we want to travel in China. They also own their own home, have their own business and just bought a brand new Japanese car. The car alone was 35K.

They are free to travel anywhere in China they want and so is pretty much everyone else. The only places in which special visas are needed are Hong Kong – and as far as I’m concerned that’s a good thing. Already too many people living in Hong Kong, much less visiting, and for the most part the H.K. people are the rudest in the entire world. This statement has been confirmed by news reports as well – I believe approximately one year ago.

I have been visiting China since 1993. Upon my first visit life here was very, very different. Each time I go back I am amazed. The Chinese are more capitalistic than Americans. In fact, I’d say it’s not even close. As for communism and socialism, I think there may be enough for you to concern yourself with back in the U.S.

The main issue is whether you’re going to live in the past or in the present. If I lived in the past I would not have visited Japan this year. Nor would I have friends who are English or German or Italian. If I lived in the past I would not visit China – nor would I visit Waco, Texas, or Kent State, for that matter.

Yes, the Chinese government has done many things that neither of us agree with. But that doesn’t make all the people living here bad – nor does it make you good because you pointed the finger.

Now, as for focusing on the present, here’s a photo of an 85-year old Chinese lady who is enjoying a lot of freedom. Check out her flexibility. Notice her leg on the tree and the position of her head. If you know anything about the mind/body connection, you would know that you cannot enjoy this level of flexibility without simultaneously having an open mind. Old tensions are stored in the hamstrings. It appears this lady has none.

85-year old Chinese lady demonstrates mind/body connection

I suggest looking into my Combat Stretching series so you can release any unresolved tension going on in your mind/body.

In the meantime, also make sure you jump on becoming a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle. We’re down to less than 199 Matt Furey Exercise Bibles which we’re giving away FREE to all new members – as well as current members.

You’ll find the MFEB to be far better than playing poker. Give it a whirl NOW.

Rise Up!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Secret Message On Great Wall

Monday, June 4th, 2007

Nearly 10 years ago, December 22, 1997, to be more accurate, my wife and I visited the Great Wall of China for the first time. Yesterday, some 10 years later, we visited with our kids, Frank, 7, and Faith, 3. What a thrill.

Furey Family visits the Great Wall

I remember when I visited the first time. My mind was so preoccupied with winning the world championships in Shuai-chiao kung fu, that I never really took in the magnificence of the moment. All concentration was on the future. Even the act of visiting the Great Wall was a dedicated act – designed to further motivate me to accomplish something BIG – a goal bigger than myself; something that would live on in my memory as a positive event.

Five days later, my goal was realized. I would return to America as a world champion.

This visit was different and not just because I was there with my children. It was different because I was there to express gratitude for the good that has happened in my life since my first visit AS WELL AS to teach my children how you can accomplish anything, even something as big as building a Great Wall, if you’ll picture it in your mind’s eye, make a plan and dedicate yourself to following through with whatever action is necessary to make it a reality.

The Great Wall is a Universe unto itself. It pulls people to come visit from all corners of the earth.

At the same time, YOU are your IDEAS are a Universe unto itself. When you picture things BIG and put a lot of energy into what you’re picturing, you can draw people to you who will help you – and where they come from will often surprise you.

Many of you discovered what I have to teach through seemingly strange means. And when you’ve followed my programs you came to understand that there was a reason we met – even if in a virtual sort of way.

Keep this in mind as you continue on your journey.

Visit power spots in the world. And when you visit, mentally write a secret message on the walls. Write your future where no one but YOU will see it and remember it. Then, when your vision becomes a reality, make a return visit to give thanks and to re-dedicate yourself to an even brighter future.

Rise Up!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. Don’t forget about the FREE set of exercise cardsexercise cards I’m giving away this month. Less than 175 decks are left – so JUMP in now while there’s still time.

Tiananmen Square Combat Conditioning

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

This morning my son, Frank, and I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China. Even at 6 a.m. there were a lot of people walking around. Some were flying kites, others just out for a stroll. And of course there were merchants who had goods for sale – mostly of the 2008 Olympic kind.

Frank and I found a quiet spot in the square that wasn’t too populated. I dropped to one knee, cut the deck of 52 poker cards now known to the Furey Faithful as the Matt Furey Exercise Bible, and began our routine.

Both of us were still a bit sore from yesterday’s workout in Ningxia province – but once you get the blood pumping, the soreness fades into the distance. Not only that, bt because you’re doing your workout in a unique way – with a deck of playing cards – that just so happen to have this cartoon character on them – with the exact exercises you’re supposed to do – along with the number of repetitions – it isn’t difficult to begin drawing a crowd.

In the picture enclosed with this email you can see Frank doing Tablemaker Pushups whilst I’m doing Hindu squats. Directly in front of us you can see a nice crowd beginning to gather. And this was merely at the start of the routine.

Matthew Furey and son Frank training in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China

When you have this many people watching you don’t want to be a sissy, that’s for sure – so you finish the whole deck no matter what. That’s what we did and afterward it was Hi-5 city along with a Joe Montana-esque “Hey, I just threw a touchdown pass” pose.

After we finished our training Frank asked: “Daddy, how many kids my age are using your exercise bible?”

I said: “Not enough yet, bro. Not enough. But Father’s Day is coming soon – so this could be the very thing that will help more fathers inspire their kids to get super hero fit.”

“What if the man who buys it doesn’t have any kids?” asked Frank.

I said: “That problem can be easily solved if he gets the Matt Furey Exercise Bible. It’ll put more lead in his pencil than he’s ever had before.”

“What does that mean?” asked Frank.

I said: “Son, that’s a discussion for another day. It’ll be here before you know it.”

Well, that’s my report for you today. I’ll be posting more photos on my blog on a regular basis, too. So be sure to check in there each day, too.

Oh, and before I forget, we’re down to 249 decks of the Matt Furey Exercise Bible left. If you want to get one – you better JUMP on this pronto.

Rise UP!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. If you haven’t taken a look at the trading system I told you about last week, here’s the link again.

Power Quote of The Day

“Fitness – if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.”

— Cher

Father and Son Workout

Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

Yesterday I sent out an explosive email about my all-new deck of poker cards – and I told you how a simple deck of these cards can be used to get you into incredible shape very, very fast.

Well, it’s obvious that a ton of you jumped on the offer to get a free copy of the Matt Furey Exercise Bible.


Because we’re down to less than 300 decks of this special “Combat Conditioning” workout.

I’m sure glad I brought a deck with me to China. This morning my son, Frank, and I were up bright and squirrel-y to go through the deck, and we quickly attracted a number of gawkers. Just take a look at a couple of the photos taken when we began. As you look at these father-and-son shots I’m sure you can figure out a way to put this card deck to great use with your son, grandson, daughter or anyone else you coach.

Matthew and Frank Furey workout
Matthew Furey coaching son Frank, using the Matt Furey Exercise Bible

The coolest thing of all is how you get the workout of your life while using the Matt Furey Exercise Bible – but you are having a blast the whole time. Friend, that’s what I’m all about. Practicing with a lot of concentration and passion – but never losing sight of the fact that exercise is supposed to fun, enjoyable and rewarding. It is NOT to flog yourself for being bad yesterday when you pounded chocolate cake or cheated by slamming a slice of NY Style Pizza.

Anyway, make sure you jump on this offer right now as I’m not sure when I’ll be getting more decks and I will have to suspend the offer when we’re out. So don’t miss out. Don’t think about putting off til tomorrow what you’re FAR better off doing TO-DaY.

So go here and become, at bare minimum, a test-drive member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle and we’ll send you a Matt Furey Exercise Bible right away. Not only that, but you’ll get a FREE copy of Combat Conditioning are over $400 worth of other goodies.

Yes, you really can get fit playing poker. Combat Conditioning Poker, that is.

Jump on this now and you truly will begin to …

Rise UP!

matthew furey

Matthew Furey

Zen Master of the Internet®

Author of Combat Conditioning and a Plethora of Powerhouse Life-Changers

P.S. If you haven’t taken a look at the trading system I told you about last week, here’s the link again.

Power Quote of The Day

“A man’s health can be judged by which he takes two at a time – pills or stairs.”

— Joan Welsh

How to Get Fit Playing Poker

Friday, June 1st, 2007

Years ago, when I was a collegiate wrestler at the University of Iowa, our coach, the legendary Dan Gable, an Olympic champion in 1972 – had a workout for us that we called “pushup poker.”

You’d deal a card and crank out the number of pushups on the card – then you deal another, and so on, until you’d completed the entire deck.

Twas a grand workout and it got your upper body strong incredibly fast. But think of this – it was only ONE exercise – and it left much of your body wondering, “What about me?”

After college I trained with a pro wrestler and he told me about an exercise program he developed with a simple deck of playing cards. His students in Japan referred to it as their Bible.

It proved to be a great routine consisting of Hindu Pushups and Hindu Squats.

But once again, it was only two exercises and although both are mega powerful – something MORE was needed to create the perfect, totally balanced bodyweight fitness program.

So I got to thinking about having the perfect routine for virtually anyone. And once I came up with it I didn’t just test it out – I decided to make things even easier for you and me to follow the routine. Read the rest of the story here…

Rise UP!
matthew furey
Matthew Furey
Zen Master of the Internet®

P.S. If you haven’t taken a look at the trading system I told you about last week, here’s the link again.

Power Quote of The Day

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”

— Edward Stanley
19th century British Prime Minister

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