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Archive for November, 2006

Football Legend Says …

Thursday, November 16th, 2006

Last night I turned on the tube to take a rest from work.

I flipped the channel to HBO.

Immediately I recognized the face of a football legend being

interviewed. He had such a presence about him that I couldn’t

even entertain the idea of changing channels.

Who was this man?

Jim Brown, NFL Hall-of Fame running back, a man who literally

ran over his opponents when he played for the Cleveland Browns

in the 1960’s.

Partway through the movie Brown began talking about attitude. He

said that everything boils down to your attitude. Then he mentioned

Psycho-Cybernetics as a book he read that played an important role

in his success. He mentioned the book twice. He did not mention any

other books during the program.

Additionally, one of the things I found MOST intriguing was how Jim

Brown said he and a few teammates would get together the night before

a game to review their playbook. But they referred to it as their “attitude

play book.” They reviewed their ATTITUDE toward the plays they were going

to be running.

How does this relate to YOU?

Well, let’s say tonight before you go to bed, you make a list of some of the

things you need to do tomorrow. And after you’ve made this list, you look it

over and ask yourself what you attitude is toward each item on the list.

Once you know what your attitude toward each item is, you can make a choice

to adjust it. You can change the way you’re picturing the situation. And as you

picture it you can alter your attitude, putting more enthusiasm, more passion

and more LIFE into it.

Your attitude play book.

What a concept.

By the way, the advanced course on Psycho-Cybernetics – Zero Resistance Living,

has 81 exercises that will alter your attitude beyond belief. Be sure to check it out

now at http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/zrlcourse.html


Matt Furey

P.S. I’ll be talking about Psycho-Cybernetics and how it relates to your body, your

health, your weight, and so on, at my 2007 Fitness Bootcamp. Enroll now by going

to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

How to Knockout Mike Tyson

Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

My friend Jeremiah Perez just came out with an incredible

DVD series that can show anyone how to hit 3x harder –

with your bare fists.

I watched the program recently and was amazed.

Everything being taught is easy to learn and works on the street,

even against seasoned fighters and karate experts.

In fact, when I was watching this series I asked Jeremiah what would

happen if you hit Mike Tyson with one of the bare knuckle uppercuts

he and his teacher are showing.

Without hesitating he said, “I don’t care who it is. You hit him with


technique, time it perfectly, and he’s gonna be on his ass.”

Now THAT is one helluva promise.

Here’s something else to back up what Jeremiah is boasting about.

A world champion heavyweight Muay Thai kickboxer – undefeated too –

tipped his hat to this series and said it’s the real deal.

Let me tell you, no Muay Thai kickboxing champion would dare say such

a thing if it weren’t true.

So go to http://www.mattfurey.com/hit_3x_harder.html and order Hit 3X

Harder right NOW.

This program will keep you glued to the tube – it’s THAT good.

Also, make sure you don’t just go out looking for trouble with these


They are not for gangs, punks and scum. Theyre for people like YOU

who want

to absolutely certain you’ve got home base covered.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/hit_3x_harder.html and prepare to

kick some

major leauge rumpus.


Matt Furey

Secret is NOT Brushing Teeth With…

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

This morning I woke up to the sound of my 2-year old

daughter, Faith, crying. I walked to her bedroom and saw my

wife consoling her.

Faith was distraught because before brushing her teeth,

she got the un-wise idea to insert her tooth brush into

the toilet. Luckily Zhannie caught her before she put

the brush into her mouth. She grabbed it from her – no

easy task even with a 2-year old – and tossed it into the


Faith went nuts. It was her favorite tooth brush. Sponge

Bob. Her idol.

Later today she’ll get a new tooth brush. Hopefully she

learned her lesson.

As I was thinking about this scenario this morning, I

couldn’t keep myself from laughing. “You know,” I

thought, “the weight loss secret I am revealing in the

November Matt Furey Inner Circle newsletter and CD

is NOT dipping your tooth brush into the toilet before

each meal.

Too funny.

Sure, although it would probably help some people eat

less, that’s not the point. The point of this secret is that you

get to eat MORE and weight LESS.

Current Matt Furey Inner Circle members are chomping

at the bit on this secret. They’ve already benefitted enormously

from my advice – but this latest secret is NOT even known by

them … YET.

They’ll have it later this week, though, when they receive their

next installment by mail.

For the record, the secret of eating more and weighing less

is ..

NOT eating five meals a day instead of two or three.

It’s NOT eliminating the carbs.

It’s NOT drinking a gallon of water a day.

It’s not drinking green tea.

It’s not cutting out dairy products.

It’s NOT giving up meat.

It’s NOT taking Metamucil or psyllium husk powder.

It’s NOT drinking grapefruit juice.

And it’s NOT smoking more cigarettes – drinking coffee,

diet soda or fasting.

I told you yesterday, and it bears repeating – many of the people

at the seminar I spoke at last week were willing to pay me $100.00,

on the spot, to learn the secret. Naturally, as I wasn’t at this summit

to teach weight loss, I had to bite my tongue. But I did meniton to

them, as I am to YOU – where you can go to discover how easy it is

to ‘eat more and weigh less.’

One man came up to me and said, ‘I know the secret. All you do is eat

five or six small meals per day instead of three.’

I smiled and told him that this was NOT the secret. He was crushed, for

a moment, then he wised up and enrolled in the Matt Furey Inner Circle.

Truth is, it’s not about eating more meals or less meals. Nope, this secret

is even easier than that.

In fact, the greatness of this secret is that you really DO get to eat MORE

than you are currently eating.

What’s more – you only need to make ONE change in your eating habits.

Just ONE. Not a complete overhaul.

And if you listen to what I am going to reveal – and ‘do

the thing’ I’m recommending, you are going to be

absolutely stunned when you look in the mirror each


Old clothes that you haven’t been able to wear in years

will suddenly slide onto your body like they once did.

People on the street are going to approach and ask what

you’re doing to have dropped so much weight. Double-takes

will be the order of the day.

Now, if you’re uncomfortable with dropping all the excess

flabbage, if you’d rather not be bothered by people complimenting

you, then – hey, no argument from me.

Maybe you’re not motivated by an improved appearance. Maybe

you’d rather have me scare the hell out of you, telling you that

failure to follow my suggestions may result in a heart attack, or

cancer – or some such disease.

But I won’t do that because I cannot prove such assertions. However,

I can tell you that those who follow my suggestion, this ONE suggestion,

will greatly reduce the chances of heart attack, stroke, cancer and so

on. I’m talking about a DRAMATIC reduction in your chances for any

of the above.

So make sure you enroll as a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle

right now. At present we have only another 198 copies to send out to

new members.

Make sure you’re one of them. Enroll NOW.

Two ways to get the job done:

1. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and

enroll as an annual member.


2. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html and sign

on as a monthly test-drive member.

That’s it, my friend.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

2-Finger Pushups on Cliff

Monday, November 13th, 2006

Imagine getting on the floor to do a couple

pushups. But to make it harder on yourself you

stretch both arms over your head instead of keeping

them beneath your shoulders.

Now imagine that you want to make things EVEN harder,

so you fold up all the digits on your hands with the exeption

of your two index fingers. AND … from this position, you begin

doing pushups effortlessly.

And let’s just say that you’re a bit of a wild man, and you take

a photo of yourself doing this. Thing is the photo is on a brick wall

designed to keep you from falling off a cliff overhaning the oceans

in South Africa.

Well, guess what? The man who is wild enough to do this will be

presenting at my 007 Fitness Bootcamp. Go check out the picture

of him on my website right now so you can see that this ain’t a

trick – http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

Not only will this man, Garin Bader, be doing this same exercise

for you to witness, he even swears that he can teach YOU how to

do it, too.

Now that’s a HUGE promise. I like promises.

Be part of this next event. You’ll hate yourself if you miss out.

So go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

and get on board early before this puppy is sold out.


Matt Furey

Tear Your Phone Book in Half

Sunday, November 12th, 2006

Last May, a man who is 6′ 5′ tall and 260 pounds goes to

my hotel room to be interviewd for a program made for


Unbeknownst to me, he put on quite a show for the camera

crew. The S.O.B. tore up my phone book.

He tore right down the middle, through the cover. He didn’t

break the binding or cheat in any way. I know because the

camera crew showed me the footage of what he did.

Last January, at my health and fitness seminar, this same

guy, John Wood, ripped a Tampa Bay phonebook in half

while in a bridge. Not an easy strength feat. The audience

went wild.

But there’s a little guy, a strong man who is about half the size

of John Wood. And he can tear a phone book in half even when

it’s wrapped in duct tape. He can even tear one in half with two


What’s more, the little guy can tear a corner out of the book – again

with two fingers.

He can tear a phone book in half with oven mitts on.

And the technique he uses is pure power. There’s no cheating. No

cooking the phone book. No popping the spine or cracking the

paper. Just a straight grab, pull and RIP.

My son, Frank, and I watched the little guy’s DVD this past weekend.

And Frank got so excited he tore up the manual that comes with the

DVD. I started to yell at him – then stopped myself. It was too funny.

Then Frank reached for a MAD magazine and asked if he could rip



How about my Highlights magazine?


How about this book on Florida snakes and reptiles?


Frank is only six – but I think this phone book tearing DVD may

have put him on the right path in life. The path of strength.

Having a strong grip will amaze your friends, coworkers and family.

But having a crushing handshake won’t cut it, bro.

Nope. You’ve got to be the life of the party by learning how to tear a

HUGE phone book right down the middle.

It’s a skill worth having – and any man who can do this is destined to

be a chick magnet.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/tear_phonebook.html and read about

this incredible DVD that I recommend wholeheartedly.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. Again, you don’t have to be huge to tear a phonebook. You simply

need to develop a killer grip. Let the ‘little guy’ who makes it so simple

show you how – http://www.mattfurey.com/tear_phonebook.html

Copyright, Gold Medal Publications, Inc 2006

Come See Me in Action

Saturday, November 11th, 2006

Several years ago I used to hop a plane,

travel across the country to a differnet city,

give a seminar, then fly home.

With few exceptions, I no longer do this.

Each week I am asked to speak at events,

seminars and so on. I almost always decline.

Not interested in traveling very often, except

for when it involves a vacation.

When I announced my 2007 Fitness Bootcamp,

to be held in Tampa next February, a few people

wrote to ask, “When are you coming to Los Angeles?”

Another asked about “Houston.” Yet another asked

when I’m coming to New York.

The answer is simple: I’m NOT.

Each year I hold all my events in Tampa.

I make a few exceptions per year for BIG events,

or for something exotic that will look, smell and feel

like a vacation.

For example, I’ll be doing a cruise in late February of

next year with Todd Dotson, Kendra Todd, Mark Victor

Hansen and Loral Langmeier. You can get more info

on that at http://www.wealthcruise.com

Other than that event, it’s rare to lure me from the


This is why it is VERY important that you begin making

preparations NOW for early February 2007. Whether

you meet me on the cruise, or in Tampa – or BOTH

(good idea) – you will be blown away with what I have

to teach you.

My February 2007 Fitness Bootcamp is packed with

more talent than most people can imagine. There will

be men and women teachers – and we’ll be covering

secrets about training that have never been revealed

to you before.

Be sure to go check out the promo on this put out by

Sgt. X – who was a HUGE hit last year. He’ll be back

in full dress – ready to whomp even more butt.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

and register. This event sold out early last year and we’re

expecting the same for 2007.


Matt Furey

P.S. You might think, “Hey, I already have your Combat Conditioning

book and DVDS – http://www.mattfurey.com/conditioning_book.html

what more do I need. Well, it’s all a matter of HOW much you want

from life. You can go to the ocean with a teaspoon. Or you can go

with a bucket – or a barrell – or a rig. Doesn’t matter to the ocean one

bit. Same goes with learning from me and the others. You can be content

with what you already have – or you can ASK for more.

If you’re game for the good life, I think you’d always be looking for MORE.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html and you’ll see

that I’m providing greater inspiration for you – and doing so in abundance.

Look forward to seeing you there.


Friday, November 10th, 2006

I dare you to make 2007 the year that you

get into the best shape of YOUR LIFE.

NOW is the time for you to make plans for next

year. It will be here before you know it.

I have something powerful in store for 200 of the

fast-acting Furey Faithful. It is the BIGGEST and

BEST thing I can offer the fitness world – and YOU.

It WILL change the lives of those who JUMP on

this – and JUMP NOW.

Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/007_fitness_bootcamp.html

and see what I mean.

I dare you.


Matt Furey

Turn Disadvantage into Advantage

Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

The last two times I have spoken in public

I told the gut and heart-wrenching story about

how my face became disfigued.

I told about my scars.

It was painful to do so. I didn’t like telling this

story. It hurt to do so. But I felt compelled to

speak about something that I had only written

about before. And speaking about it changed ME

and … to my surprise, others.

During breaktime of my 3-hour presentation

last Thursday night, a number of people

approached me with tears in their eyes,

telling me how DEEPLY they were moved

by what I said. One man turned his head to

the side to show me the scars he lives with.

I could sense a deep sadness as he told me

this. I immediately painted a new face for

him to focus on with my hand – a face outside

his face – a face that transcends the pain and

agony he has lived with.

He began to brighten and awaken before my

eyes. I told him what I have come to know –

all scars can be turned into stars – if we’ll let

go and look for the advantage.

As a young wrestler, whenever I lost or felt

the sting of defeat, my father took me aside

and said, “You have a knack for turning a

disadvantage into an advantage. Let’s see

what you do with this one.”

This always changed my mindset. I didn’t know

I had this knack – and the truth is I probably

didn’t to a great extent – but when my father

planted this seed – he helped MAKE IT


In any area of your life where you feel pain,

anguish – in any area where you feel all is

lost and the suffering is too great – I can

assure you, as my father did, you have a

knack for turning things around to your

advantage. All you need to do is LOOK for

a way and it will show its face.

In the November newsletter and CD that

comes with membership in the Psycho-

Cybernetics Success Group – I am going

to reveal HOW you can use your mind to

turn failure into triumph, disadvantages into

advantages and scars into stars.

Make sure you’re a member to find out the

way I have done it – and how you can do it,


Go to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

and enroll NOW.


Matt Furey

The New Addiction

Monday, November 6th, 2006

Just got back from a walk along the beach with a

couple clients. While trapsing across the sand and

shells – and avoiding the jelly fish that are in the

shallow waters, I explained to them the importance

of “taking a pause” from technology.

As great as our computers, cell phones and other

gadgets are – I believe they can also be a curse.

People today are MORE mesmerized by their gadgets

than anything else. And with this techno-hypnosis comes

amnesia for WHO and WHAT created the technology.

People created these gadgets with the power of thought.

But those who use the gadgets forget that YOU are the

owner of the greatest Super Computer in the Universe.

YOU are both broadcasting and receiving station. YOU

are the one who creates – not the other way around.

In my seminars I don’t allow any techno gadgets of

any kind. At first, the techno-addicts are irritated.

But, if they’re open, they soon realize that I’m doing

them a favor.

Some cannot stand it so they try to sit in the back row with a

Blackberry, or some other gadget on their lap, scrolling

emails when they could be listening to the message. Even

if the person gets away with it, which is only temporary, what

has he gained?


I carry a cell phone with me much of the time – yet I rarely

answer it unless it is family or someone I am expecting a

call from. I have no problem pausing and letting the thing

ring without answering. Doesn’t bother me if someone

is angry about this either.

The other day I was talking to a guy who said, “You know,

remember when we didn’t have voice mail, email or FAX. If

you weren’t home and the phone rang – you still managed to

go on living. Now with all the technology, people feel

they can’t get anything done even though they are “on call”

all the time.”

Good point.

Use technology to enhance your life – but don’t let it control you.

Know when to say no.

Take a pause. It’s good to give yourself space.

Take time to sit quietly and breathe. Breathe into the Super

Computer within. Delete the garbage. Make space for new


Do this and I guarantee you’ll get more fulfillment out of life.


Matt Furey

P.S. The November issue of the Psycho-Cybernetics Success Group

newsletter and meditation CD will show you how to program your

internal Super Computer for maximum success. Be sure to enroll

NOW by going to http://www.psycho-cybernetics.com/success_group.html

P.P.S. Also, a reminder that you can get 7 power-packed newsletters as part

of the Elite Gold Crown Program at http://www.knockoutmarketing.com

The Secret to Weight Loss

Sunday, November 5th, 2006

(Note: We only have room for 118 more people on this)

I just finished giving a couple presentations in Atlanta as

part of the Glazer-Kennedy Info-Summit. Was truly great

to meet so many of the Furey Faithful who are using what

i’ve taught to reap major rewards, physically and otherwise.

During my talk on Thursday night I made mention of the simple

weight loss secret that is part of my November issue of my by-mail

newsletter – which is now at the printers, along with Fure-cat’s

Fitness Motivation CD.

Many of the people attending were willing to pay me $100.00 cash,

on the spot, to learn the secret. Naturally, as I wasn’t at this summit

to teach weight loss, I had to bite my tongue. But I did meniton to

them, as I am to YOU – where you can go to discover how easy it is

to ‘eat more and weigh less.’

One man came up to me and said, ‘I know the secret. All you do is eat

five or six small meals per day instead of three.’

I smiled and told him that this was NOT the secret. He was crushed, for

a moment, then he wised up and enrolled in the Matt Furey Inner Circle.

Truth is, it’s not about eating more meals or less meals. Nope, this secret

is even easier than that.

In fact, the greatness of this secret is that you really DO get to eat MORE

than you are currently eating.

What’s more – you only need to make ONE change in your eating habits.

Just ONE. Not a complete overhaul.

And if you listen to what I am going to reveal – and ‘do

the thing’ I’m recommending, you are going to be

absolutely stunned when you look in the mirror each


Old clothes that you haven’t been able to wear in years

will suddenly slide onto your body like they once did.

People on the street are going to approach and ask what

you’re doing to have dropped so much weight. Double-takes

will be the order of the day.

Now, if you’re uncomfortable with dropping all the excess

flabbage, if you’d rather not be bothered by people complimenting

you, then – hey, no argument from me.

Maybe you’re not motivated by an improved appearance. Maybe

you’d rather have me scare the hell out of you, telling you that

failure to follow my suggestions may result in a heart attack, or

cancer – or some such disease.

But I won’t do that because I cannot prove such assertions. However,

I can tell you that those who follow my suggestion, this ONE suggestion,

will greatly reduce the chances of heart attack, stroke, cancer and so

on. I’m talking about a DRAMATIC reduction in your chances for any

of the above.

So make sure you enroll as a member of the Matt Furey Inner Circle

right now. At present we can only accept another 118 new members.

Make sure you’re one of them. Enroll NOW.

Two ways to get the job done:

1. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/furey_inner_circle.html and

enroll as an annual member.


2. Go to http://www.mattfurey.com/fg324trfsr3ttai.html and sign

on as a monthly test-drive member.

That’s it, my friend.

Kick butt – take names,

Matt Furey

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